Save Today For Better Tomorrow

Energy Saving Tips for Lighting

Energy Saving

Make Energy Saving a daily habit. Use these tips and start saving today:


Make the most of natural light. Open curtains and blinds during daylight hours

  • Replace any incandescent bulbs with CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) or LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes), especially where lights are on for long periods.  CFL & LEDs use about  1/3 of the electricity and generate less heat. Efficient lighting can reduce your cooling costs and the cost to operate the lighting equipment.
  • Install LED (light-emitting diode) exit signs. LED lights can save you approximately INR 1000 per year per lamp on energy usage. The extended life also will help save on operation and maintenance costs.
  • Use the lowest wattage bulb required to meet the room’s lighting needs.
  • Turn off all lights in unoccupied rooms.
  • Turn outside lights off when you’re not using them.
  • Consider using timers for indoor and outdoor lights.

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Make Energy Saving a Daily Habit

  • Regularly dust your low energy light bulbs and fittings.
  • Make the most of natural light. Open curtains and blinds during daylight hours.
  • When you’re installing lights, allocate one switch per light rather than turning on multiple lights with one switch.
  • Use two-way switching in rooms with two exits to ensure lights can be easily turned off when leaving the room.
  • Use table or floor lamps fitted with CFLs where most light is required so you don’t light unoccupied areas of the room.
  • Choose light fittings that allow most of the light through so a lower wattage globe can be used. Some light fittings can block 50% or more of the lights, especially those with coloured glass or fabric.

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    1 LEAP Technologies, as the name suggests, we always try to take 1 more LEAP ahead for providing our customers with better Innovative, Cost Effective and Premium Quality products. We are in this business of providing Energy Saving Solutions because of our core value of saving our environment for our future generations to come. We offer products that can save you a considerable amount of electricity every month, thus reducing our carbon foot prints.